Thursday, January 20, 2011

Italy to Me

         I am interested in Italy because I simply find the United States boring. I have lived in New England my entire life and have never left. I frankly consider America to be too advanced for me; it is both to technological and substansial. Italy would not have been my first choice of countires to study, but it was on the list.
        Personally, I know very little about Italy other than they speak Italian and have Rome as it's capital. Rome is also Headquarters of the Catholic Church and a city with a great history. (i.e. the coliseum) I also am aware of Venice, a city surrounded by water. I often wish that my hometown was like that, then everyone could just swim in the streets instead of using cars. (I know that sounds stupid, but hey, wouldn't you like to travel via Lazy River?)
     I have never before seen any Italian films; I have seen films what where based in Rome or Venice, but they were about some American going there for some reason and finding love.
     Any who, this class seems interesting and I hope to learn more about Italy and see places other than Rome. Of course, watching Italian films will only make me want to go there, which I totally could do if I choose to study abroad, but I don't speak Italian, which would make life difficult.


  1. Hello Ashlee,

    Like you I am not too aware of Italian culture or speak the language other than the basics, but I am very eager to learn and hope this class gives insight into Italian culture in general and like you a longing to someday go there.

  2. This is a comment left upon your blog. CONGRATULATIONS.
