Monday, April 11, 2011

Night Of The Shooting Stars

First off, let me say that that boy and his dad really pissed me off. The boy was a wimp who had to rely on his dad for everything, and, even though the died grieved when the boy was killed, it was probably his fault in the first place because he's the one who got him involved in the war. Saying "He's only 15" isn't going to help, because the other man's son was like negative 2 months.
Now that I've got that out of the way, lets talk about how historical movies only make sense to those who have historical knowledge, which I lack. I thought Italy and Germany were allies? Or maybe that was just WWI? Well, whatever. Lets talk about the fighting. What I don't get is how ruthless the Germans are. They bombed a church and killed innocent people. Why would they just go around shooting everyone? I know that they had a thing against the Jews, but these people were Catholic.
The movie had several interesting shots involving flashbacks/fantasys/ and inside thoughts. I thought that these greatly contributed to the overall "emotional feel" of the film. However, some issues/situations were left unanswered. Such as what happened to the pregnant wife? And the girl who was taken by the Germans in the truck at the end of the movie? Why did the little girl squish the eggs? These were the parts that I was interested in and they were just sort of forgotten.
Had I been in their place, I'm not sure which option I would have chosen -- the church or the road. The church certainly sounded like the safest option- if you went under the belief that, if you do what the Germans tell you, than you wont get killed.  The road option was the best bet if you didn't trust the Germans, but it was also more dangerous. There would be no food, and you wouldn't know when you might next find water, plus you'd have to be hiding all the time. I think for me, it would all depend on where my family went, because I am very indecisive.
Can we get back to how awful the Germans are? I mean, there basically putting these people in prison, marking there houses for destruction, shooting anyone who goes outside- seriously, this is not okay. I get that they had the whole "Racial Superiority" thing going on, but there's got to be a line. I think that everyone hates the Germans, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but I can' think of one good thing they have done in the entire course of human history. Now I have nothing wrong with the people, if your German, whoopie for you, I'm Lithuanian, we're practically cousins. I'm just making a point.


  1. That's a very good point. How has Germany and Germans everywhere, reintegrated into society when WWII veterans are still alive today? Not long ago, Germans were the worst evil the world had seen, maybe ever, but today thats all in the past. How has Germany and Germans everywhere reconnected with the world? Who has forgiven them and who hasn't? And you raised a good question, what has the Germans done to make the world a better place in the past, and today? I wonder what research has been done on this.

  2. I think that your comment about Germans being the worst people ever is a little off the mark...and I'm jewish. The germans were just an advantageous people who in the midst of ruins from WWI got riled up by a man in a silly mustache who told them to do horrible things and like sheep without a brain in their heads, they complied. I do not think history should forgive the German people for their actions in that time, but I do believe that we should get together as people and make up for that time. Although that doesn't begin with saying the Germans never did anything right...I drive a volkswagon and it's the best car I ever drove.
